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What to do if You’ve Lost Your Luggage

Losing your luggage while travelling can be a nightmare. Not only does it disrupt your trip, but it can also cause a lot of stress and inconvenience. Whether misplaced, delayed, or completely lost, it’s important to know what steps to take to retrieve your luggage.

In this article, we’ll discuss what to do if you’ve lost your luggage and how to increase your chances of getting it back.

In August alone US airlines lost, delayed, or damaged 254,502 bags, according to The Department of Transportation.

What to Do When You Realise Your Luggage is Missing

Don’t Panic

The first thing to do when you realise your luggage is missing is to stay calm. Panicking will only make the situation more stressful and can cloud your judgement. Take a deep breath and try to remain positive.

Report it Immediately

The next step is to report your lost luggage to the airline or transportation company. You should start the reporting process as soon as you realise your luggage is missing. Most airlines have a lost luggage department that you can contact. Be sure to provide them with your baggage claim ticket number and a detailed description of your luggage.

Fill Out a Property Irregularity Report (PIR)

Use a Property Irregularity Report (PIR) document to report lost or damaged luggage. You can find these at your airport or online, on the airports official websites. This report helps to track your luggage and will be necessary if a claim for compensation needs completing.

Keep Your Receipts

Make sure to keep your receipts if you need to purchase any essential items while waiting for your luggage. These receipts will be necessary if you need to file a claim for reimbursement.

What Happens to Lost Luggage?

Lost luggage usually ends up in a centralised baggage handling system. This system tracks and locates lost luggage. Once found, the airline will arrange for your luggage to arrive at your destination or returned to you.

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Your Luggage Back

Use a Luggage Tracking Device

One way to increase your chances of getting your luggage back is by using a luggage tracking device. These devices are attachable to your luggage and use GPS technology to track its location. Some devices even have the ability to send you found luggage notifications.

Label Your Luggage Clearly

Make sure you label your luggage with your name, phone number, and address. This will make it easier for the airline or transportation company to contact you if they find your luggage.

Pack Essentials in Your Carry-On

In case of lost luggage, be sure to pack essential items in your carry-on bag. This includes items like medication, important documents, and a change of clothes.

Take Photos of Your Luggage

Before you travel, take photos of your luggage and its contents. This will be helpful if you need to file a claim for compensation.

Use Travel Sentry’s TS ID

TS ID links owners and their property using a unique code. This works for any item that needs to protecting from accidental loss. TSID is linked to WorldTracer®, the lost and found database developed in cooperation with IATA, and used by more than 500 airlines at 2,800 airports worldwide. Find out more about TS ID here.

What to Do if The Airline Doesn’t Find Your Luggage?

Unfortunately, there are times when the airline can not find your luggage. If this happens to you, there are a few things you can do.

File a Claim for Compensation

If they never find your luggage, you may be eligible for compensation. This will vary depending on the airline or transportation company’s policies. Be sure to keep all your receipts and documentation to support your claim.

How to Avoid Losing Your Luggage in the Future

Use a Bright Luggage Tag

Using a bright luggage tag can make it easier to spot your luggage on the baggage carousel. It can also make it easier for others to identify your lost luggage.

Use a Unique Luggage

Using a unique or distinctive luggage can make it easier to spot and identify your luggage. This can also help prevent someone else from accidentally taking your luggage.

Arrive Early

Arriving early for your flight can give you more time to check your luggage. It also ensures the luggage has the correct tag and will arrive on the right flight.

Consider Travel Insurance

Travel insurance can provide coverage for lost or delayed luggage. Be sure to read the policy carefully to understand what it covers.

Use A TSA Lock

Not all baggage goes missing because of check-in, technical or baggage handler errors, thieves may steal your luggage. It’s important to use a TSA accepted lock to not only prevent luggage opening, but to work as a deterrent.

View our previous article on keeping your luggage safe here.


Losing your luggage while travelling can be a stressful and frustrating experience. However, by staying calm and following the necessary steps, you can increase your chances of getting your luggage back. Remember to report your lost luggage immediately, keep your receipts, and consider using a luggage tracking device.

By taking these precautions and preparing correctly, you can increase your chances of avoiding losing your luggage in the future.

Travel Sentry’s Method: How to Lock a Travel Bag

Travelling can be an exciting experience, but it comes with its own set of challenges and concerns. One of the biggest concerns for travelers is the safety and security of their belongings. With the rise of theft and pickpocketing, it’s important to take precautions to protect your valuables. One of the best ways to do this is by using a reliable locking system for your travel bag.

In this article, we will discuss the best method for how to lock a travel bag to ensure the safety of your belongings.

How to Lock a Travel Bag

There are many ways and methods for securing your bag and personal items. However, here is the method we think is most reliable:

Choose the Right Lock

Choose the Right Lock

The first step in locking your travel bag is to choose the right lock. There are various types of locks available in the market, but not all of them are suitable for travel bags. The best type of lock for a travel bag is a combination lock.

A combination lock does not require a key, which means you won’t lose it during travel. Combination locks also come in different sizes and can fit on different types of zippers and clasps.

Don’t forget, TSA Locks are often the best type of lock for your travel bag. The TSA and other security agencies have special tools to unlock these travel locks without causing damage. Meaning, security agents will not need to break into your luggage if they need to search it.

For more on all types of travel locks view our previous article here.

Secure Your Zippers

Secure Your Zippers

Before locking your travel bag, make sure to secure all the zippers. This will prevent anyone from easily opening your bag and accessing your belongings.

You can use a small padlock or a cable lock to secure the zippers together. Some bags come equipped with kissing sliders, which are specially made to accommodate padlocks. If your bag has multiple compartments, make sure to secure each one individually. This will add an extra layer of security to your bag.

Small TSA locks padlocks are a brilliant choice for this, they’re small, reliable and don’t add very much weight. TripSavvy has a great article looking at their top zipper padlocks for travelling with.

Use a Cable Lock

Use a Cable Lock

For added security, you can also use a cable lock to secure your travel bag to a fixed object. This is especially useful if you are travelling on a train or bus and need to leave your bag unattended. Simply wrap the cable around a fixed object, such as a seat or luggage rack, and secure it to your bag. This will make it difficult for anyone to grab your bag and run off with it.

Cable locks offer added protection and can work well in various methods of travelling. View our suitcase guide to find the best luggage for your next trip.

Other Travelling Tips

Locking your luggage and securing your travel bag is one step to adding more security for your belongings. However, there are other methods for keeping your items safe:

Keep Your Valuables Close

When travelling, it’s important to keep your valuables close to you at all times. This includes important documents, such as your passport and credit cards. As well as expensive items like cameras and laptops.

Instead of keeping these items in your checked luggage, keep them in your carry-on bag. This way, you can keep an eye on them at all times and reduce any risks of theft or loss.

Be Mindful of Your Surroundings

No matter how secure your locking system is, it’s important to always be mindful of your surroundings. Avoid leaving your bag unattended in public places and be aware of any suspicious behaviour. If you are in a crowded area, keep your bag in front of you and hold onto it tightly. This will make it difficult for anyone to access your bag without your knowledge.

Find Piece of Mind With Secure Travel Bag

By following these tips, you can ensure the safety and security of your belongings while travelling. Remember to always choose a reliable locking system that is TSA Accepted and be mindful of your surroundings. With these precautions in place, you can enjoy your travels without worrying about the safety of your belongings.

Have any other tips for securing a travel bag? Let us know in the comments.

Understand The Types Of Travel Locks

Travelling can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it’s important to take precautions to keep your belongings safe. One essential travel item that can provide peace of mind is a travel lock. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your needs. 

In this article, we will discuss the different types of travel locks and help you find the best one for your next adventure.

For more insight in TSA and Travel Sentry approved locks view our TS Locks page.

Combination Locks

Combination locks are a popular choice for travellers because they are easy to use and do not require a key. These locks require the specific alignment of a series of numbers or letters to open the lock. They are available in various sizes and work to secure suitcases, backpacks, and lockers. Combination locks are also TSA accepted, meaning airport security can open the lock if needed.

Benefits of Combination Lock

Combination locks have several benefits when it comes to travel:

  1. Easy to Use: Combination locks are simple to operate. You just need to align the numbers or letters in the correct sequence to open the lock. This makes them user-friendly and convenient for travellers.
  2. Keyless Entry: Unlike key locks, combination locks do not require a key to open. This means you don’t have to worry about carrying or losing keys while travelling. It offers a hassle-free experience and eliminates the risk of misplacing or forgetting keys.
  3. Versatility: Combination locks can secure various items such as suitcases, backpacks, lockers, and more. They come in different sizes, making them suitable for different types of travel bags and storage compartments.
  4. TSA Accepted: Many combination locks are TSA accepted. This means they meet the security standards set by the Transportation Security Administration. TSA agents have special tools that allow them to open and re-lock these locks without damaging them. This is particularly useful if your luggage requires inspecting during air travel.

Overall, combination locks provide a convenient and secure way to protect your belongings while travelling.

Key Locks

TSA Keylock

Key locks are another common type of travel lock. They require a key to open and are available in both traditional and TSA accepted versions. Key locks are generally more secure than combination locks, as they require a key to open. However, it’s important to keep track of the key while travelling, as it’s the only way to open your lock.

Benefits of Key Locks

Key locks offer several benefits for travellers. Here are some of the advantages of using key locks:

  1. Enhanced Security: Key locks are generally more secure than combination locks because they require a key. This provides an extra layer of protection for your belongings while travelling.
  2. Key Control: With key locks, you have full control over who has access to your belongings. Only those with the key can open the lock, reducing the risk of unauthorised access.
  3. Durable and Reliable: Key locks are often more sturdy as they use materials such as hardened steel. These materials make them durable and resistant to tampering. This ensures that your lock will hold up well during your travels.
  4. TSA Accepted Options: If travelling to or within the United States, you may need to use a TSA accepted lock. Key locks are available in TSA accepted versions, which means that TSA agents can open the lock without damaging it.
  5. Ease of Use: Key locks are straightforward to use. You simply insert the key into the lock and turn it to open or close the lock. This ease of use can be especially beneficial when you are in a hurry or dealing with multiple locks.

Key locks provide extra security, but remember to use them with other safety measures for maximum protection. For example, keeping an eye on your belongings and using reputable accommodations.

Cable Locks

TSA Cable Lock

Cable locks are a versatile option for travellers and their luggage. They consist of a long, flexible cable perfect for looping around multiple items and securing with a lock. This type of lock is a great option for securing luggage, backpacks, and also bikes. Cable locks are also lightweight and easy to pack, making them a popular choice for backpackers.

Benefits of Cable Locks

Cable locks have several benefits that make them a popular choice for travellers. Here are some of the advantages of using cable locks:

  1. Versatility: Cable locks are a versatile option as they can lock multiple items at once.
  2. Lightweight and Portable: cable locks offer a lot of portability and protection for a minimal amount of weight. Cable locks do not add much weight to your luggage or occupy too much space in your backpack.
  3. Easy to Use: Cable locks are user-friendly and require minimal effort to secure. You simply loop the cable through the items you want to secure and lock it with the provided padlock or combination lock.
  4. Deterrent for Theft: Cable locks act as a deterrent for potential thieves. They provide a visible barrier and make it more difficult for someone to snatch your belongings. This can give you peace of mind when travelling, especially in crowded areas or public transportation.
  5. Multiple Uses: Cable locks work for more than just securing luggage. They are a great option when looking to secure lockers, tents, and other belongings while you’re on the go.

Overall, cable locks offer convenience, security, and peace of mind for travellers. It’s important to choose a high-quality cable lock from a reputable brand to ensure its effectiveness and durability.

Retractable Cable Locks

Retractable cable locks are another type of travel lock that provide convenience and versatility. They consist of an extendable and retractable cable. One end of the cable features the lock mechanism. Whilst the other can loop around objects like luggage, backpacks, or lockers to secure them.

Benefits of Retractable Locks

Retractable cable locks offer several benefits for travellers:

  1. Convenience: Retractable cable locks are lightweight and easy to carry, making them a convenient option for travellers. Retractable locks don’t consume too much space and can easily fit in a bag or pocket.
  2. Versatility: You can secure various items, such as luggage, backpacks, or lockers. The cable can loop around objects and then be locked in place, providing a secure way to protect your belongings.
  3. Adjustable length: The cable of a is extendable and retractable. This feature allows you to adjust the length of the cable to suit different situations. Providing flexibility in securing different sizes and shapes of objects.
  4. TSA Accepted: Many retractable cable locks are TSA accepted. Perfect for meeting the security standards set by the Transportation Security Administration.
  5. Combination or key options: Retractable cable locks often come with both combination and key options. This gives you the flexibility to choose the unlocking method that suits you best. You can use a combination if you prefer not to carry a key or use a key if you prefer a traditional lock mechanism.

Overall, retractable cable locks are a convenient and versatile option for travellers.

Smart Locks

TSA Smart Locks

Smart locks are a newer type of travel lock that uses technology to provide added security. These locks work with a key, a combination, or even through a smartphone app. Some smart locks also come with features such as tracking and alerts. This makes them a great option for those who want extra peace of mind while travelling.

Benefits of Smart Locks

Smart locks offer several benefits for travellers. Here are some of the advantages of using smart locks:

  1. Enhanced Security: Smart locks use advanced technology to provide added security for your belongings. They offer multiple ways to unlock, such as using a key, entering a combination, or using a smartphone app. This makes it difficult for thieves to tamper with or pick the lock.
  2. Convenience: Smart locks eliminate the need to carry around physical keys or remember combinations. With a smartphone app, you can easily lock and unlock your luggage or backpack within a few taps. This can be especially helpful when you have your hands full or when time is limited.
  3. Tracking and Alerts: Some smart locks come with tracking features that allow you to monitor the location and movement of your luggage. They can also send tampering and opening alerts to your smartphone. This gives you peace of mind knowing your app will notify you if someone tries to access your belongings.
  4. Compatibility with TSA: Many smart locks are TSA-accepted, meaning they meet the security requirements of the TSA. This allows TSA agents to easily inspect your luggage without damaging the lock. It’s important to check the specific lock’s TSA approval status before purchasing.
  5. Versatility: Smart locks work for various types of travel gear, including suitcases, backpacks, and even lockers. They often come with adjustable shackles or cables. This allows you to secure your belongings to fixed objects, such as a bed frame or a locker.

Overall, smart locks provide added convenience and security for travellers. However, it’s important to choose a reliable and reputable brand to ensure the lock’s effectiveness.

Built-In Luggage Locks

Built-In Luggage Locks

Built-in luggage locks are locks integrated directly into the design of the luggage itself. Unlike removable external travel locks, built-in locks are a permanent feature of the luggage.

These locks are typically on hard-shell suitcases or bags and are often combination locks. They are usually on the side or top of the luggage and use a set combination or a key.

Benefits of Built-In Luggage Locks

Built-in luggage locks have several benefits that make them a popular choice among travellers. Here are some of the key advantages of using built-in luggage locks:

  1. Permanent Attachment: This makes it harder for thieves to tamper with or remove the lock without causing visible damage.
  2. Convenience: Integrated locks remain with your luggage, so you don’t have to worry about carrying an additional lock. They are always there, ready to secure your belongings whenever you need them.
  3. Enhanced Security: Built-in locks are typically combination locks, which offer a high level of security. You can set a unique combination that only you know, making it difficult for others to guess or break the lock. Some built-in locks also come with key options for added security.
  4. TSA Accepted: Built-In TSA luggage locks offer all the benefits of external locks, but without the need to remember to pack them. Ensure they’re TSA accepted, always look for the red diamond.
  5. Aesthetic Appeal: Built-in locks seamlessly blend with the overall aesthetics of the luggage. They don’t protrude or create any additional bulk, maintaining the sleek and stylish appearance of your luggage.

For more insight into keeping your belongings safe view our article ‘How to Keep Your Luggage Safe‘.

Requirements of a Travel Lock

When choosing a travel lock, it’s important to consider these benefits along with your specific needs and preferences. Whether you opt for a combination lock, key lock, cable lock, or smart lock, make sure it is TSA accepted. With the right travel lock, you can have peace of mind knowing that your belongings are secure during your trip.

Learn more about the who the TSA are here.

What Lock Will You Choose?

When it comes to choosing a travel lock, it’s important to consider your specific needs and preferences. Combination locks are easy to use, key locks are more secure, cable locks are versatile, and smart locks offer added features.

Whichever type you choose, make sure it is TSA accepted and fits your luggage or backpack properly. With the right travel lock, you can enjoy your trip without worrying about the safety of your belongings.

Understanding the TSA: Airport Security Explained

If you’ve ever travelled by air within, or to, the United States, you’ve likely encountered the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at the airport. Let’s explore exactly who they are and what do they do?

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of airport security and explain the role of the TSA in keeping air travel safe.

What is the TSA?

The TSA is a US government agency created in 2001 to improve and enhance airport security. Its main responsibility is to ensure the security of the nation’s transportation systems, with a focus on air travel.

Learn more about the department’s history here.

The TSA is part of the Department of Homeland Security. Responsible for screening passengers and their luggage, as well as inspecting airport facilities and equipment. They also work closely with other agencies, such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). As well as the Department of Defence, to ensure the safety of air travel.

TSA PreCheck and CLEAR: What’s the Difference?

TSA PreCheck and CLEAR are two programs that can help expedite the security process at the airport. While they may seem similar, there are some key differences between the two.


TSA PreCheck is a program that allows pre-approved travellers to go through a separate, faster security security lane. This means they do not have to remove their shoes, belts, or light jackets, and can leave laptops and liquids in their bags. To be eligible for TSA PreCheck, travellers must apply and pass a background check.


CLEAR, on the other hand, is a biometric identity verification program. It allows members to skip the ID check and physical boarding pass scan at security checkpoints. CLEAR members can also use a dedicated lane for PreCheck, making the security process even faster. However, CLEAR is not a replacement for PreCheck and travellers must still go through the standard security screening process.

What is the Airport Assessment for TSA?

The airport assessment for TSA is a security screening process. All passengers must go through this screening before boarding a flight. This includes going through a metal detector or full-body scanner. As well as having carry-on bags and personal items scanned, and potentially being subject to a pat-down search.

The TSA also conducts random additional screenings, known as “secondary screenings”, to ensure the safety of all passengers. These may include a more thorough pat-down, a hand-held metal detector, or a swab test for explosive residue.

How Does the TSA Keep Air Travel Safe?

The TSA uses a variety of methods and technologies to keep air travel safe. These include:

TSA X-Ray Scanners

Carry-on bags and personal items are X-ray scanned for prohibited items. These scanners use low levels of radiation to create an image of the contents of the bag. This allows TSA agents to identify any potential threats.

To reduce time and potential damage to your luggage and locks, the TSA recommends TSA Accepted locks.

TSA Full-Body Scanners

Full-body scanners use millimetre wave technology to create a 3D image of a person’s body. This allows TSA agents to identify any potential threats hidden under clothing.

TSA Explosive Trace Detection

Explosive trace detection (ETD) is a method used to detect trace amounts of explosives. Performed on a person or their belongings to detect these trace amounts. A swab test analyses a person’s hands, clothing and personal items for any traces of explosives.

TSA Canine Teams

TSA also employs canine teams to assist in security screenings. These highly trained dogs are able to detect explosives and other prohibited items that technology misses.

What Can You Bring on a Plane?

The TSA has strict guidelines on what you can and cannot carry on to a plane. Some commonly allowed carry-on items include:

  • Liquids in containers of 3.4 ounces or less
  • Medications and medical devices
  • Electronics, such as laptops and cell phones
  • Food and snacks
  • Books and magazines
  • Baby formula and breast milk

However, there are also a range of prohibited items you cannot carry onto a plane, these include:

  • Weapons and firearms
  • Explosives and flammable items
  • Sharp objects, such as knives and scissors
  • Sporting equipment, such as baseball bats and golf clubs
  • Self-defence items, such as pepper spray and stun guns

Ensure you check the TSA’s website before packing to ensure you are not bringing any prohibited items.

How Can You Make the Security Process Easier?

The security process at the airport can be stressful and time-consuming, but there are some steps you can take to make it easier:

Apply for TSA PreCheck or CLEAR

As mentioned earlier, TSA PreCheck and CLEAR can help expedite the security process. If you travel frequently, it may be worth applying for one of these programs to save time and hassle at the airport.

Arrive Early

It’s always a good idea to arrive at the airport early, especially during peak travel times. This will give you enough time to go through security and find your gate without feeling rushed.

Pack Smart

Avoid delays or security issues by packing your own carry-on bag and personal items according to guidelines. Place liquids in a clear, quart-sized bag and remove laptops and other electronics from your bag for separate screening.

Use the Correct Lock

Non-TSA locks slow down the process of security checks on your luggage. Ensure you have the correct locks that TSA agents can open to avoid damage to your luggage and belongings.

We’ve answered a few of your common TSA security questions here.


The TSA plays a crucial role in keeping air travel safe. Through various methods and technologies, they work to ensure passengers safety. Screening all passengers and their belongings thoroughly before boarding a flight.

Understanding the role of the TSA and following their guidelines, improves the security process and efficiency for everyone.

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